Somo hili nitalianza rasmi J3 ya tarehe 1/2/10. Jinsi ya kukunja Napkins designs mbalimbali. Nawatakia weekend njema.Enjoy.........
In other words, don’t chew like a cow. Your mouth should be closed, and we shouldn’t be able to hear any distinct slurping noises. Try to keep things from popping out as you eat, as well.
It’s not a race. I dated someone who used to chew his food so quickly I could hear his teeth clanking together. It was ridiculous and it always made me feel like I had to hurry up and finish, because he was always in quick-mode. Please don’t do this.
So they stuck a few pickles on your burger, and you happen to hate pickles. So fine, take them off – subtly. But if they sent you a sesame seed bun and you hate sesame seeds, please don’t sit there and pick them all off. Just send the thing back and ask for a different bun.
This one should be obvious, but there are men who do this. If you have something utterly important to say, at least cover your mouth with a napkin while you do it.
Yeah, I know, obvious. Well, I’ve been on dates where men have spit things out into their napkins and then plopped it onto their plates. To be sure, I’ve dated some classy men! Make sure you’re classier!
Wipe your mouth periodically, whether you think you need it or not. I cannot tell you how difficult it is to pretend you don’t see sauce on someone’s face – and it’s just as unpleasant having to embarrass someone about it! It’s much easier if you just do this one on your own. Also, don’t wipe your mouth and then crumple it up and chuck it on the table. Keep it folded across your lap.
These are just the basics, and some of you will think them commonplace. Unfortunately, there are men (and women) out there who don’t realize how disgusting some of this can be. If you’re on your first date, do yourself a favor and don’t ignore this list, because she will not ignore your bad m
Meditation may help with these problems, but it doesn't take the place of treatment you receive from a doctor.
One of the great things about meditation is that you can do it on your own whenever you want, and it may help you relax and feel better. Also, you don't need any special tools or equipment to practice meditation.
Learning how to be aware of the present moment in meditation may keep your mind sharp and help you focus better in other areas of life as well. For example, you may be able to react faster to road conditions when you drive if you focus solely on driving, rather than being distracted by talking, thinking about other things, or listening to the radio.
The answer is correct
Meditation does not take the place of treatment from a doctor, but it may help with anxiety, stress, depression, pain, and addiction.
The answer is incorrect
Meditation does not take the place of treatment from a doctor, but it may help with anxiety, stress, depression, pain, and addictionDon't let your formal dining room become an out-of-sight-out-of-mind clutter trap. Just because the room is not used very often does not mean that you should use it for a storage room.
Get into the habit of putting items where they belong, instead of just tossing them into the dining room. Do not let things pile up in your dining room.
Also, you will need to recognize problems and find solutions. For example, if you read the newspaper at your dining room table, you might have a pile of newspapers on your dining room floor. A solution might be to place a decorative recycle bin nearby to keep your newspaper pile under control.
Dining room storage can also become a clutter hazard. If your dining room cabinet has become overstuffed and unsightly, here are a few tips to keep it organized.
· Do not overstuff the display area - this will only make the cabinet look messy which will translate into your dining room looking messy. Reserve the display area for your favorite pieces. Store the remainder of your dinnerware in the cabinets or drawers.
· Store tablecloths, placemats and table runners neatly in drawers or in baskets inside cabinets. If you have napkins and napkin rings that coordinate with a particular tablecloth, keep the sets together in zippered plastic bags like the ones new sheet sets come in.
Helpful Tip: If you have a closet in or near your dining room, store your tablecloths on hangers. If you iron them, fold them neatly and hang them over a wide-barrel hanger after each use they can go straight from the hanger to the table.
As long as you remove the clutter from your formal dining room you should be able to easily keep this room clean. Simply go through it at least once per week and follow the steps listed above for a thorough cleaning.
If you use your dining room on a more casual, daily basis, it can get cluttered fairly easily.
Your kids might do their homework at the table and leave their books and papers spread out. You may use the table to read the newspaper and then stash it in a pile in the corner when you are done.
Any flat surface is a prime suspect for gathering clutter, so the focus of organizing the casual dining room is going to be on the dining room table.
Determine the ways in which you use your dining room table and then establish some rules to keep it clean.
· If your kids use the table for homework, make a rule that all books and papers must be returned to their book bags when they are done.
· If you use the dining room table for reading the newspaper, keep a newspaper basket in the dining room to place the papers in when you are done. When the basket gets full recycle the newspapers.
· If you use your table for paying bills or doing paper work, keep the necessary papers in a tray that can easily be stored away in a nearby drawer when you are done.
Creating simple solutions to keeping your dining room free from clutter will make it a more enjoyable room to be in.
Be sure to keep your casual dining room clean too. Follow the steps above for a thorough cleaning at least once per week.
No matter how you use it, free your dining room from clutter, keep it clean and organized and enjoy using it for its intended purpose - to enjoy wonderful meals with your family.
Whether it is used once a year or every day, learn how to organize your dining room so you can actually use it for dining.
A common issue in many households is that the dining room becomes an all-purpose room...kids use it for doing homework, parents use it for reading the newspaper, and because the table is such a large, flat surface it is a definite clutter magnet.
It is time to take back your dining room! Let me show you how to declutter, clean and organize your dining room so your family can use it for its intended purpose...to enjoy family meals together.
As with organizing any room, the first step will be to declutter your dining room. Start by removing everything from the room that is not used for dining. If these items belong in another room in the house, bring them to the room where they belong. If they are unwanted items, bring them to clutter central
Now that you have all of the clutter out of the way, give your dining room a thorough cleaning:
Vacuum thoroughly or wash the floors.
Empty the china cabinet and wipe down all the shelves, drawers and cabinets.
Helpful Tip: When you have found the perfect arrangement for your china cabinet, take a picture of it. When you empty it to clean it, you can refer to the picture to put things back exactly the way you had them.
Wash the windows.
Put window curtains in the dryer to remove dust.
Wash the light fixture.
Wipe down the table and chairs.
Clean all decorative items you have decided to keep in the room.
Now that you have decluttered, cleaned and organized your dining room, it's time for some simple maintenance to help you keep it that way. How you maintain your dining room really depends on how you use it. Following are tips for both a formal dining room and a casual dining room.
Sit up straight. Keep your elbows off the table. Don't talk with food in your mouth. Never eat with your fingers. If you think table manners are a pain today, you should have been around just a few decades ago when the old adage "children should be seen and not heard" was the rule. The problem extends, however, into the twenty first century world of fast foods and hectic schedules. Even though you haven't been taught them, somehow you're still supposed to be learned about matters of etiquette.
Beinggirl decided to clear up some of the confusion by supplying a few facts about the formal manners business. Why bother with a bunch of hoity-toity rules someone else created a long time ago? Because manners, wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson, are the happy ways of doing things. Rules were meant to make the experience of dining pleasant, thoughtful and tidy. If the disapproval of the etiquette cops in your life makes you feel uncomfortable, look over these facts.
if you are invited to a dinner where your knowledge of table manners is being tested, remember: