
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Haya kazi kwako ndugu mdau, mito ndio hiyo..... hivyo utachagua uweke mito mingapi kwenye kitanda chako....

Use Euro’s (european pillows) in a 26″ x 26″ size. How many you need will depend on the size of your bed. Queen beds usually use 2-3 while Kings require 4).

Layer 2- Regular bed pillows that you use every night:
Regular bed pillows are usually 24″ x 18″ (unless king) and are placed standing up against the euros. Two are typically used but additional pillows may be stacked up in front of each other. These can be covered with shams or with just a regular pillow case.

Layer 3- Decorative pillows:
This is the fun layer. The first two layers were a neutral palette, you can add a pop of color, new pattern or design that may have been too “busy” on the shams or euros. Place a few decorative pillows at casual and intreiguing angles and watch how your room is transformed!

Layer 4- Lumber or Bolster Pillow (optional):
The last layer is made up of a lumbar or bolster pillow centered in front of the previous three layers. This may also be of contrasting color and design.

**Remember, these are just guidelines. Its fun to put your own spin on it. As you can see below, designers usually only use parts of the formula.


  1. Habari mama jaydan,
    mie ninahitaji kujua kama unashona foronya tu mito na utaratibu unakuwa vipi?nina miti sita na kupataga foronya rangi moja kwenye shuka huwa inakuwa adimu sana. tafadhali naomba ushauri wako.


  2. hi, foronya tunashona, na hilo linawezekana, kwa mito ya standard size, yaani ile ya kulalia. so kama kitanda chako ni cha sita kwa sita kutoa foronya kwenye hizo shuka inawezekana. karibu
